Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year

I had decided that my New Years resolution concerning my blog was that I was going to post at least once a week. I know that this is the second week of 2013, so technically I've failed already, but I'm going to over look that minor detail. I don't have a lot to write about this week as I've been sick. I think I'll just share what I did on Monday. I woke up and made tea with a bit of whiskey in it (someone told me it would help with my cold. Not sure if it did, but it did succeed in making me sleepy). I watched Factory Girl (pretty nifty biopic about Eddie Sedgwick and Andy Warhol. I definitely suggest it for those who enjoy watching films about completely messed up individuals). I loaded up on lip balm and had my tissues at hand while spending the entire day drifting in and out of sleep on the couch in front of the Telly. Not and exciting or productive day, but it was much needed.

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