They only other remotely exciting thing I've done so far this year is go and see "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Not exactly the best movie I've ever seen, but not too terrible.
So on to the real point of this post: My New Years Resolutions. Here they are:
1. Loose 30 pounds. (That's about half a pound a week! I can do this)
I need to eat healthier
Eat breakfast
More veggies
Work out!
2. Apply for one full time job a week, (I only have to do this till I find a job, so the sooner I find one the sooner I can stop applying .)
3. Get up at 7:00 am six days a week. (I'll allow myself one late day a week.)
4. Blog once a week. (At least)
5. Read one book a month. (
6. Get better about money.
Pay off at least 3 credit cards this year.
Save all my receipts and record my spending in an app.
Think about what I really want to buy, write it down and plan how much to save each week.
Put 10% of every paycheck in savings.
7. Wash face every night!!! (I can do this!!)
I am going to make an active attempt at achieving great things this year and I think that by writing my goals down it will help immensely.
What are your New Years Resolutions?